
On snow, a shack, and San Diego

So, yeah. How about that 12 days of blogging business? Once again, time got away from me. One night you're dancing all night long to Lionel, the next -- your belly aches from turkey tacos, you find yourself working a 16 hour day, and all of the sudden, there's no time to continue with day 7 of the 12 days of blogging.

Not that there haven't been things worth blogging about. Namely, the snow, which is gorgeous and an absolute treat for me, even after falling on my ass. (This is apparently a rite of passage.) Also noteworthy is a long overdue trip to the much-hyped Shake Shack, which is the closest I think we can get to an In-n-Out-esque burger on the East Coast, mmm. (FYI, the 'shroom burger actually tops the regular one. Hands down the best veggie burger I've ever had in my life. Valeria, you would have loved it.)Equally exciting, of course, are the wrapped presents under our first Christmas tree.All I have to do is make it through work tomorrow, then I'm off to enjoy the holidays in San Diego with my family and new adorable nephew. More posts on the way, for sure!

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